Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yesterday Started Out Great...For the First 5 Minutes

I got up, got showered and then must have reached whatever the hemoglobin threshold is where I just cannot function.  I'd just gotten dressed when I hit that magic number and crashed.  I spent the rest of the day in bed, later being transfused another 2 units of red blood cells.  Felt like someone had punched me in the stomach much of the day.  Couldn't eat my breakfast but was able to eat a cheese quesadilla later in the day, around 4.  And then my stomach started to hurt again.  You get to the point where you feel like you can't win.  You may feel a desire to eat but with the knowledge that after the fact you're likely to feel like you've been punched it makes one hesitant to even want to bother.  But yet I still try.  

Nausea is the absolute worst thing about treatment.


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