Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Less Than 12 Hours..,

...of this round of chemo. Then we wait 10 very long days to see if we've killed the life sucking and destroying, ahem, bastards. Oh God please let us be headed in the right direction...


  1. Bastards is right. D, I know having folks visit you helps lift your spirits he keeps you feeling like part of the world outside the door of your hosptial room, but please remember you will need your strengh, so if you need to rest so you can fight "the bastards" with all you have, then REST! :) Love you, T

  2. You got this! I wanted to send you flowers but the hospital said you aren't allowed to have any. boo.. Just remember, you are loved and your friends and family will be with you through it all. Get well soon. Kyle Trauberman. :)
