Friday, June 6, 2014


Knowing the story behind The Fault of Our Stars movie that just came out, I went to see it anyway. The movie was well done. The crying occurred during the last 20 minutes of the movie. Aside from the obvious, I couldn't help relating to the characters in the movie and the emotions  they had just being ill and then going through treatment (to an extent), as well as relate to what the last 20 months have been like for my parents, brother and even my children.  I have never wanted my illness to define who or what I am ("so what's your story?"), or dictate what I can or cannot do in the longrun.  Being afraid of losing my life has motivated me to live life freer and added some new experiences to my bucket list - tandem sky diving anyone? - so that my life was well lived. That the donation so generously given was well worth my donor's time and discomfort. And I want my zest for life to be something my children inherit from me. My story will be who I was before, during and after becoming ill. And my lifelong fight to live in this world!

Transplant Validation

Validates 100% of the DNA Present in my last biopsy was donor DNA. Woo hoo!