Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Buds Are Back!

It has been close to a year since my taste buds went on hiatus, but they are making a return. Hooray!  This means I can better taste what I try to eat and that, in some cases, the food tastes close to what I remember. Being able to taste is important when it comes to making meals, ensuring foods are palatable and not over/under seasoned. I still do not like chicken, eggs, or butter. I used to live on chicken and loved eggs. I still dislike most fast or processed foods or sweets (including chocolate, bummer!). Love strawberries and oranges. Like bananas and many other fruits. And most vegetables. Pretzel crisps. And my faux bacon (protein strips). Fish, shellfish and some beef.  Tolerate milk, pasta, rice, potatoes and bread. 

Now maybe my hair and skin issues will clear up!