Sunday, April 19, 2015

Happy Two Year Birthday, Dianne 2.0!

It doesn't FEEL like it has been two years since I received a second chance for life. Two years ago today, I received my stem cell transplant...six months after being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. I feel good!  Not a day goes by that I am not grateful. So much change!  

I have experienced minor GVH over the last two years and was hospitalized last summer for pneumonia, but have had a relatively uneventful recovery. I have lost 70 lbs. My taste buds have returned after being on hiatus for about nine out of the last 12 months. I truly eat to live today, there is no "wow" no matter what I eat but I am fine with that. My hair grows, thins and regrows about every six weeks. I sometimes feel as if I am going through puberty all over again when my face breaks out...weird since my skin is very dry now. I have been beyond post menopausal for over a year now. My eyes, at times water all day long. My allergies are worse. I do not have the stamina I once had but little stops me when I want to do something. I tire more easily. I have gotten to spend a lot of quality time with my kids over the last two years and that I wouldn't trade for the world. My daughter tells me she does and doesn't want me to go back to work.  She likes having me at home.  There are a lot of things and people I do not remember from that first 18 months following diagnosis. I feel bad when someone remembers me but I do not remember them. Hopefully they'll accept my 'chemo brain' excuse, it is real!  =0).  

Thank you, Jesus, for healing my body and making Dianne 2.0 possible. Through You all things are possible!  I am in awe.  Thank you for bringing the collection of people you did into my life to get me to this point, and for removing those whose influence were either no longer necessary or just not positive.  To my donor, with whom I may now have an opportunity for direct contact, THANK YOU for your gift. You have made a difference in my health and life. My kids still have their mom, and my parents and brother still have their daughter and sister. I will forever be grateful to you. To my friends and family, you helped me weather the ups and downs this journey has had, cheered me up and kept me sane. To my doctors and nurses at MD Anderson, Banner Gateway and Mayo Clinic, your expertise and skill got me to now. Mary, Beth, Stacey, Deb, Mark, Brian, Gulnar, Kayla, Nena, Margo, Jennifer and Drs Slack and Ulrickson...THANK YOU. 

Happy rebirthday to me!