Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chemo Day 3: State of the State

For the most part I feel just fine today.  A little tired.  Overly hydrated so now they have to use Lasik on me to get rid of the extra fluids.  I plan to read up more on my condition.  Not very hungry but better order SOMETHING before I get yelled at because I have to keep my strength up. 

This is pretty heavy stuff, for sure.  But I plan to keep my chin up and fight as hard as I can to beat this.  First for myself, secondarily for my babies...Jamie and Max. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a tough day for sure. I had several members of my family in room for about half the day. Unfortunately, all I wanted to do was sleep so that IS pretty much all I did all day. It was nice to see everyone though. Mom and Uncle Lou arrived from Indy, Chris from Prescott, Bev, Gregg, Ryan, and Mary K from the far west Valley. It was a full house. And then Nana brought Jamie and Max over for a short visit. My babies. It was so good to see them. I woke up for that!!! And, yet again, Max screamed/cried when it came time to go home. This is so hard on both of my kids. I let the pain of seeing how hard it is for them out.
