Tuesday, November 13, 2012

As a New "Stay At Home Mom..."

I began a routine of getting the kids up, taking my daughter to school in the morning, spending time with my son going over some of his preschool learning material, hopping onto the computer to look at available openings and even apply for some, then pick my daughter up and do something fun with the kids until dinner time.  I didn't realize initially that those walks from whatever room in my house to the garage began to make me feel breathless.  Until it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest, that is.  I couldn't keep up with my kids.  I needed to rest more and it seemed like everyday it was just a little harder than the day prior to get up and going.  It got to the point where just taking a single load of wash from my bedroom to the washroom was so taxing I had to lay down afterward go give my heart a chance to stop palpitating.  Any additional stressor - the kids fighting, grocery shopping, cleaning any part of the house - only made things worse.  But like most typical moms, we just fight through things thinking this too will go away.  When my kids were with me I wanted them to have fun, go places like pumpkin patches and movies and Thorpe Park up in Flagstaff.  But things were not getting easier.

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