Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Happy 4th Rebirthday to Me!

Four years ago today I received the cells donated to me.  I remember the nurse attending my transplant telling me how unusual it was to receive so many cells. Most patients only receive half the number I was receiving. I already felt blessed to have had a perfect match found to receive my transplant from.

Today, I am so grateful to be here...telling you I am still "cancer free."  Woo hoo!  Minor GVH issues continue to necessitate the need to remain on a low dose of steroids; we are hoping to ween off them "soon."

Only one more year until I am "cured."


  1. that great, your cancer free

  2. Dianne,
    I've been reading your blog. It gives me hope. My mom was just diagnosed with AML. We are readying ourselves for the fight of a lifetime.
