Wednesday, July 1, 2015

State of the Dianne 2.0 Union

An update on my recovery. 

My hair is thickening up and growing out faster. Hooray!  A few grays but not too bad. Oh, and yeah, my hair actually has some curl to it that it did not have before. 

My eyes have improved with the assistance of meds. No more constantly tired, watery and irritated eyes. 

I have determined I must have developed an allergy to eggs in the form of over easy, scrambled, omelettes, boiled, fried, etc.  My throat feels like it swells up and my stomach gets super upset. I can eat things that have eggs in them, though. I used to eat eggs all the time so this change is a bit "painful".  I can live with it though. 

My face continues to break out. It feels like puberty except my skin is now dry vs oily.  Work in progress. 

My weight loss has slowed now that my taste buds have returned and I can eat again. I have lost 75 lbs.  While I needed to lose the weight, there is nothing to fill out the wrinkles that have cropped up around my eyes and on my neck. I feel like I look older than I am. 

My taste buds did return. At least some of them did. I think some are taking an extended vacation. Maybe some have defected. My sense of taste is still off in that I do not taste salt or sugar well but do other spices. I do not really like chicken any more, though I force myself to eat some for protein. I like shrimp and salmon but that's about it for seafood.  I can eat beef once in a while. Do not like pork. Do not care much for milk - probably because I cannot taste it very well - but do like yogurt and some cheeses.  Love fruits and can taste many of them.  Like most vegetables but not big into salads. Bummer!  (Seriously!). Do not like ice cream, candy, cakes, etc.  Imagine all of these sans sugar. Yeah, thats why. 

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