Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Year Later...

As I was looking through some photos from one year ago, right after being admitted and diagnosed with AML, I reflect back on everything that's occurred this past year. 

I'm thankful it's gone as fast as it has. I'm thankful for my perfect 10 donor from Germany. I am thankful to be surrounded by family and friends whom I know love me very much, and are extremely supportive.  You all have no idea how important your presence and love in my life has meant to me. How important it has been in getting me through every treatment, every hospital stay, and every other bump in the road.

To Jamie and Max, loves of my life and mini me's and Kav's, I wish I had had the choice to NOT have had to put you through the past year but I would go through it a thousand times so long as neither of you had to go through it yourselves. I thank God this isn't something you can inherit from me. I love you. And, no Max, Momma doesn't have to go back to the hospital unless I get sick again OR something else happens. 

To my mom, dad, and brother Chris, thank you for the over-the-top assistance you have all given me and my family in the past year. I know it wasn't always easy, life can be complicated, and it's been at times quite stressful. But know that no matter what, I appreciate all that you have done to help us.  Chris, you continue to help me and I appreciate everything you continue to do to help the kids and I at this time. Thank you I love you all.

To my OM, Diane, thank you for the support you gave. You of all people knew better what I was going through and no matter what I am grateful for the support and kindness you did show. 

Kav, thank you for taking on the additional responsibility of keeping our children for the first month while we figured everything out. Thank you for some of the shirts and the nightgowns that you gave me while I was in the hospital, and for the flexibility you provided in giving me time to spend with the kids when I was still in hospital. Thank you for continuing to be a friend through everything. Thank you Irene, for bringing the kids over after school so that I can visit with them on occasion. Cathy thank you for the magazines and other things to keep my mind off of where I was and I was going through.  And thank you all for your kind thoughts. I love you all.

Julius, thank you for lending me technology to keep my hands and mind off where I was and what I was doing and a chance to watch movies that make one laugh no matter where I was (40 year old Virgin anyone?). Also, thank you for your visits and continued thoughts and well wishes. 

T, Thank you for being there when I was officially diagnosed and for going through half of my biopsies w me, holding my hand, listening to me talk out my feelings when I was in the hospital, for doing what you could to make me feel more comfortable (less achy) and letting me know that the shorthair actually looked good on me. Thank you for the soups, the diet Pepsi's, the hats and scarves that you gave me along the way.

Darlene, thank you for your lunchtime visits when I was at Mayo (how perfect that you worked there!). It definitely broke up the day and I enjoyed our conversations. 

Diane W, its funny how things turned out, huh?  Your continued friendship means the world to me. I consider your family an extension of my own. Thank you for your weekly Starbuck visits w me, your prayers, and the laughter. And to Veronique and Linda, thank you for your clarity and prayers as well. 

Theresa, Angelica, Laura, Maja, Nikol, Jennifer, Art, Jack, Uncle Dick and Aunt Muriel, thank you for your visits, support and words of encouragement.  Nikol, I brought the sushi card w me to all hospital stays. And to Laurie. I kno u don't like hospitals but appreciated your support and caring regardless. 

To my doctors and nurses at both MD Anderson and Mayo, especially Dr Slack, Dr Ulrickson, Mary Peterson, Stacey, Gulnar, Kayla, Jessie, Beth, Margo, Nena, Janeen, Mark, Christine (Mayo),and so many others, thank you for your expertise and empathy and kindness. Thank you Beth for holding my hand during that first biopsy. I will never forget you. 

So many more to thank. I hope you all know the impact you have had on my life. 

I thought it worthwhile to recognize you all. 

Much love and gratitude. 


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